Online resource from Dr. Chris Richter and Dr. Enda King for coaches, clinicians, sports scientists and researchers looking to increase their knowledge of biomechanics in a practical and applied way.


The Big 3 – Advanced Rehabilitation of Hamstring, Quadriceps, and Calf Muscle- and Tendon Injuries

This first of its kind online course offers an incredible continuing education opportunity for clinicians who manage patients with lower limb muscle and tendon injuries of the hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles.

Sign up now at


Athletic Hip and Groin Pain

If you looking after athletes suffering from hip and groin pain this course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of how to ensure accurate clinical diagnosis and individualise rehabilitation to that athlete and their sports to maximise painfree return to play.

Sign up now at

Enda is in the process of developing additional online CPD resources. Watch this space for upcoming projects to be announced soon. If you want to be notified on release email